Polietilene polimero

The CVM head office is in Arcugnano, in the nearness of Vicenza (North-East of Italy).


It was established in 1973 in Vicenza and at the beginning the main activity was the production of religious items and plastic souvenirs by using injection press.


In the following years, thanks to development in automation and by using modern machines, the CVM productions has been changed into pressing of road signalling items (chains-traffic cones-plastic posts and base of supports etc.).


This lets CVM improve the quality of its own items and, thanks to new gardening line’s items (big and small unit divisors) and some items from the classical CVM production, it lets CVM be in a position in security signalling’s and ironmonger’s market, also abroad.


At the moment the 60% of CVM production is exported in Europe, Africa, USA and the rest has a general and homogeneus cover all over national territory.